Schindele’s Mineralien Food supplement – 3x 400g value pack

86,55246,60 inkl. MwSt.

Includes 20% Mehrwertsteuer
Delivery Time: ca. 3-4 Werktage
loose powder; of volcanic origin, ground according to the lunar calendar
3-tins a 400g value pack
SKU: 14004V3 Category:

Our product has been well-known for 30 years: loose powder; of volcanic origin, ground according to the lunar calendar – in 400g tins, including scoop.
3-tins value pack

For the time being our measuring spoon (scoop) is placed on the bottom of the tin, in the powder, due to current filling technology.

The “mineral-ish” design is intended to express our connection with nature and to emphasize the purely organic origin of our product.
Your supply for 200 days – with an average consumption of 6 g (1 Scoop) per day.

CAUTION ! People, who are suffering Haemochromatosis (iron overload disorder), must not take Schindele’s Minerals due to the high iron content.

A pure natural product which has been composed by nature, SANS chemical additives or iradiation.
To be used not only internally but also externally for masks, exfoliation – even with acne!

Product Features

1,7000 kg

3, 6, 9